Abstract:Objective To identify the existence of stem cells in mouse laryngeal mucosa by using 5bromodeoxyurdine (5-BrdU) labeling for the preliminary study. Methods 36 threedays Kunming white mice were randomly divided into group A, B and C. 5-BrdU of 100 μg/g and 50 μg/g were intraperitoneally injected to mice of group A and group B respectively, and normal saline to those of group C. All the mice were executed 8 weeks after injection. Immunohistochemical staining was applied to detect the labelretaining cells (LRCs) in the laryngeal mucosa, and the percentages of LRCs were calculated. Results There were LRCs in scalyepithelium of both group A and B, and the difference between the two groups was statistically insignificant (t=0.06, P=0.949). The expression of LRCs was not observed in group C. Conclusion There are LRCs in the mouse laryngeal mucosa. It is possible that stem cells exist in these LRCs.