Abstract:By radiommunoussary,we determined the concen- tration of serum foUiculartstimuatng hormone(FSH), luteinlzing hormone(LH).and that of plasma estradio (E_2),progesterone(P),testosterone(T)in 62 women patients with gallstones and in 45 women patients with hepatic bile duct stones and in 42 healthy women subj- ects as control.The results were as follow:comparing with that in healthy subjects,the level of plasma E_2 was greatly higher(P<0.01)and the level of plasma T was signffieantly lower(P<0. 05) in reproductive aged wom- en with gaLlstones. The postmenopausalt women with gallstones had lower plasma T values and much higher plasma P values than healthy subjects(P<0.01).Between the women patients with gallstones and healthy subjects,there were significant difference in the radio of E_2/T(p<0. 01). Obviously,there were significant changes in the values of plasma E_2,T and the radio E_2/T in women with hepa tic bile duct stones when they were at graafian follicle period.It is concluded that the synthesis or metablism of pituitary gonad axis hormones in women partients with cholelithiasis is significantly obnormal.